Some subscriptions just don’t want to go away
Hi NachoNacho Fan,
Your employee left 6 months ago – are you still paying for their Linkedin account? You switched from DocuSign to SignEasy – but did you cancel your DocuSign subscription? You started a 30 day free trial for Zapier, and decided not to use it – but did you actually cancel it? Your head of marketing quit, but which subscriptions did she leave orphaned?
Unused subscriptions abound in companies due to a lack of centralized subscription management.
By consolidating all your subscriptions in NachoNacho, not only do you have real-time visibility into all your subscriptions, you preempt unwanted payments BEFORE they happen. Create a separate virtual credit card per employee per vendor. Set budget and date limits per card, and easily suspend or cancel cards as needed. Every dollar spent on each card can be viewed in real-time in one company-wide dashboard.
Let’s stop wasting money on unused subscriptions!
The NachoNacho Team